1134 Press

Create with Paper

The Saga of Bree's Finger

Okay, the title is a little hyperbolic. But to recap, Bree injured her finger about a week ago (maybe a week and some days). The doctor said it would pretty much heal on its own; just keep it in the splint. But it is still fairly sore, and it still looks kind of gnarly. So, again, this week’s video will not feature any actual crafting or bookmaking. We don’t think anyone would want to watch Bree’s beat up finger making books, and it also kind of hurts.

With all that out of the way, we do have a cool video up today. This one is all about junk journalling trends for 2022. You might agree or disagree with some of Bree’s predictions. Either way, we would love to see your thoughts in the comments!

Even though we would prefer Bree to have ten good fingers right now, it has inspired some new things on the channel. I, for one, am a fan of the post-smashed-finger era videos. We’ll certainly get back to the standard video style once her dinged digit starts looking a little better, but I’m thinking we should keep posting videos like today’s as well. Check out the latest video below, and let us know what you think in the comments section.


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